It's mid-November, which means that the hot, steamy, thunderstorm-laden weather is behind us, and cooler breezy air will be here for the next few months. This is unofficially the beginning of the South Florida winter riding season. Along with the more comfortable riding temperatures comes the numerous riding events such as the locally held Bike Nights throughout the state.
Bike Night at Florida Sports Cycle & ATV is held each Thursday from 5:30pm to 7:30pm in Stuart, FL.
Bikes, BBQ & Brew is coming up on November 30, 2019 at Treasure Coast Harley-Davidson from 12pm to 4pm in Stuart, FL.
The 4th Annual Rocketman Run is on November 16, 2019 at Adamec Harley-Davidson of St. Augustin, FL. This annual event will benefit Vets 4 Vets of St. Johns County.
These are just a few of the many events coming up over the next few months in Florida. The large number of bikers means that everyone must be more vigilant while driving. Many riders will be taking advantage of the cooler weather to hit the roads and participate in some of these organized events.
At Thayer Law, we understand the serious injuries and long-term medical and financial consequences that can occur after a motorcycle accident. If you or a loved one was injured in a motorcycle accident, and would like to speak with a motorcycle accident attorney near you in the Stuart, FL area, call me at 772-266-3043 or contact me via the form below.